Magda has collaborated with Lacey-Jay Barham, an unemployed young woman who lived in the Cally (an area of London) . Their video works explore the enduring process of dealing with the nightmares of the past and the relationship between physical transformation of places and transformation within ourselves. Leaving a place becomes an opportunity for new territories (in Lacey’s case the River Thames) as a source of comfort and inspiration, but also the opportunity to choose to return to somewhere that is familiar and safe (the Cally).
Cally Calls is a partnership between AIR, Team Cally, and Islington Play Association with funding from CreativeWorks London. Seven artists (Giles Bailey, Ruth Ewan, John Costi, Magda Fabianczyk, Tilly Fowler, Margot Bannerman and Lee Milne) were paired with people who live and work in the Cally - a postman, a retired solicitor, an unemployed young woman, a playworker, a group of female pensioners, a caretaker, and a café owner. The work they created responds to these conversations and explores how a place is defined by the lives lived there.
The works was exhibited together as part of The Cally Festival in 2013 and in Cities Methodologies in 2014.