Magda Fabianczyk works \ contact \ bio


Different Weathers of my Body

I am like a ship

being blown back and forth on the sea,

the evil souls are hunting me,

constantly beginning

there is a relief in deciding that it is too late... ‘

                                 Patrick, Jojo and Magda

Magdalena Fabianczyk in collaboration with Jojo Adu, Patrick Lawson and other service users of ISIS (CRI), Islington in London
Video installation ( Three simultaneous video projections with sound, 16:9, HD)

2013 / 2014

Ideas for the films and short texts come from exploration of internal conflict and recovery. Commissioned by a Million Minutes - an Islington Council project supported by Arts Council England and produced by AIR at Central Saint Martins.

About the process ( extract from Parts Per Million publication):

‘Magda Fabianczyk was hosted by ISIS (CRI), who support individuals affected by substance misuse, to overcome their dependence and work towards recovery. She worked with their staff and service users over a four-month period to consider their everyday conflicts. Beginning in the centre’s waiting area, later making journeys to woodland and seaside and working offsite in galleries editing rooms and cafes, they translated experience into performance, video, sound and movement.

Magda started by asking ‘ What is the sound of your conflict?’ prompting discussions about lives lived with recovery; of it’s duration and daily challenges. Participants sought to explain their search for a safe place where conflict can be escaped and the constant beginnings that many struggle with.

Magda worked with people to seek visual imaginings of pain, scars, repetition, and escape. The work took form of a three screen video installation presented at John Johns gallery in London. The sensual imaginary re-presented the concept of recovery to a public audience. The images reflected into the street quietly interrupting the rhythm of the night as calm reminder of everyday pain.’ 

Installation view at John Jones Space, London, 2014: